Overdentures (Implant-supported)
Overdentures or Implant-supported dentures are used when there are no teeth available in the jaw. However, you would need to have bones in the jaw to support the implant. They are usually fit in the lower jaw as they tend to be a bit unstable for the upper jaws.
Just like regular dentures, Implant-supported dentures should also be cleaned regularly so that it can sustain for a longer time. They should be removed every night before going to bed. However, if you find that to be a hassle, inform it to your doctor, and they would see if they can replace Implant-supported dentures with something more permanent and non-removable like fixed crowns.

The process
The process usually takes place in the front portion of your jaws as there tend to be more bones compared to the back of your mouth. Also, the front jaws do not have nerves or any other structure that can interfere with the procedure. The procedure usually involves two surgeries. The first one would place the implant in the jawbone under your gums. The second surgery, which occurs three to six months after the first surgery, exposes the tops of the implants.
Overdenture care
Patients with overdentures need to maintain healthy oral habits to avoid cavities and other gum diseases. The patients should always remove the dentures at night and clean it properly. To take proper care of the overdentures, you should follow all the instructions given by your dentist and set up regular appointments once every six months to check if everything is fine.
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