Osseous Surgery
Osseous Surgery basically involves the removal or recontouring of damaged bones around the teeth. The main aim behind this surgery would include the removal of bacteria, reduction in pockets and smooth out the damaged bones so that the gum tissue can re-attach itself to the stronger bones.
What happens during the surgery?
The surgery is performed using local anesthesia and a small incision is made on the gum tissue so that it can be flipped backward which would expose the surrounding bones and root. The dentist would then scrap off the deposits from the root surface and recontour all the jagged bones. The bones are shaped if needed and then necessary substances are added so that the tissues can heal. The gums are then sewed which reduces the pocket. You might have to undergo some dressing sessions so that the wounded area gets healed quickly. Once that is accomplished, the stitches are removed. The time taken to do the surgery would depend on your dental conditions and how many teeth are involved in the process.

Post-treatment care
Post the surgery, your dentist would cover the area to stop all bleedings. They would also suggest rinsing mouth with saltwater and applying ice packs to reduce swelling. It would take a day or two for the initial healing, post that you would be able to go back to your daily routine. However, do not miss the next appointment that your dentist has scheduled post the surgery.
Osseous Surgery is recommended often when the pockets are too deep to clean with regular professional cleanings. After the surgery, if discomfort prevails, then your dentist would suggest some pain-killing medications. With reduced pockets and daily proper dental hygiene regimes, you would be able to maintain your oral health properly. This is important not only for a beautiful smile but also for maintaining your overall health conditions
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