Orthodontics is a dedicated branch of dentistry that deals with malocclusion or poorly positioned teeth. It focuses on improving the shape, size, and orientation of teeth which in turn enhances the facial structure. It is indeed a smart investment to improve your oral health and appearance.
Orthodontics is all about correcting your crooked teeth. The treatment would straighten your teeth and take them to a much better position. Poorly shaped teeth not only are aesthetically unpleasing but also can cause jaw and joint problems. Orthodontics also help you to get the correct bite and reduce strain on the teeth.

Opting for orthodontics, you would be able to avail of two types of treatments namely clear aligners and braces.
Clear aligners are a modern solution to improve the structure and position of your teeth without using wires like traditional braces. Clear aligners are custom-made according to the structure of your teeth. You would need to change the aligners every two weeks with a straighter set so that your teeth can change their shape to become perfect.
Braces – The traditional braces are one of the most famous ways of correcting the shape of your teeth. However, in order to get it, your oral health should be in the best shape. If your teeth are not clean enough, then your dentist will clean them so that the braces can properly fit onto your teeth.
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